Vesper: Notes from an Interstellar Medium

While I've had to put some of my larger creative projects on hold while studying Psychology full time, I have been working on a small book, which I'm excited to be publishing in August.

Seasonal Crown Cover.jpg

Vesper -- Notes from an Interstellar Medium is a collection of poems, sketches and musings on themes of alchemy, metaphysics and pagansim, in the spirit of good humor. I'll be selling the book at local Canberra alternative bookstores as well as at a few places in Melbourne and Sydney, and as an ebook. I'll get some links up once the work has gone to print.

Cheers Dears!

Student Artwork Group Publication

In light of the number of extraordinarily talented students turning up for classes, I am currently negotiating with the Canberra Institute of Technology whether we might publish a small bi-annual anthology of creative works to be sold locally. If you are a current or former student reading this with an interest for showcasing your art, by all means get in touch!

This would be a great opportunity for aspiring artists to get their work seen in print.

The project is still in the works, so stay posted for now =).